Table of Contents


I was always fascinated by the idea of different languages working together in a single codebase for whatever reason. Rust seems to be especially good at this with its great C FFI (with projects such as cbindgen) and WASM support.

Considering how popular Python is, it should come as no surprise that there are tools available that allow you to interface to and from Python, allowing you to leverage two very neat ecosystems.

Recently, a friend of mine (again) started playing around with some map data which happened to be stored in the ASCII Grid format which is used often in GIS software. Turns out, this format is pretty easy to parse (even for someone who is very bad at parsing stuff like me) so I wanted to see how hard it would be to make a Python package that used something like nom to parse the files. I won't be going over the specifics of my parser implementation as the blog post is focused on packaging Rust code and calling it from Python, not parsing. Plus, I'm pretty confident that all my code is terrible that you are probably better off without it :)

The Plan

When I started looking into this, I wanted to at least answer the following questions:

  • How is the developer experience of writing the Rust package as well as calling it and how different is it from the way you write code in the respective language
  • How easy is developing such a project from the perspective of a developer (testability, running tests, REPLs etc)
  • How easy is it for someone who does not know Rust to use your package
  • What could a deployment pipeline look like

Creating the Library

The Rust Part

We first start by creating the library create which is just plain old Rust, nothing weird here.

In my case, all of my parser's logic is summed up in a parse method that is defined as follows:

pub fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, AsciiGrid> {

Notice the IResult type here? This is a type definition from the Nom crate which as, I mentioned above, I use for parsing. There is nothing special about it in this context and a normal Result or any other type would've worked just fine.

The AsciiGrid struct is also just plain Rust, for now, looks like this:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AsciiGrid {
  pub header: Header,
  pub data: Vec<Vec<f64>>,

So how do we call this from Python? Enter PyO3 which provides "Rust bindings for the Python interpreter" and allows us to do just that!

Let's add PyO3 to our Cargo.toml file

name = "ascii_grid_parser"
path = "src/"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

pyo3 = { version = "0.18.1", features = [ "extension-module" ] }

Notice 3 things here

The name is actually the name of the Python module we will specify later. This does not necessarily need to be the same as your crate name. This is what you'll use in your Python code imports when we eventually call our code from Python (import ascii_grid_parser).

The crate-type is for specifying that "a dynamic system library will be produced. This is used when compiling a dynamic library to be loaded from another language." [source].

Fun fact, if you ever try to import your code from another Rust module (say, a benchmark for instance), it won't be discoverable because you need to also compile it as a Rust library. You can get that to work by adding

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]


We are also including the extension-module feature, this is for telling PyO3 that we are building Python extension modules which are what allows us to interact with Python through C. [source]

Now we need to tell PyO3 what we want to be able to use in Python, that includes both our parse function and the AsciiGrid struct. This is perhaps unsurprisingly easy to do with the power of Rust's macros;

use pyo3::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AsciiGrid {
  #[pyo3(get, set)]
  pub header: Header,
  #[pyo3(get, set)]
  pub data: Vec<Vec<f64>>,

pub fn parse(input: &str) -> PyResult<AsciiGrid> {

These are pretty self-explanatory. The PyResult type "represents the result of a Python call." and is basically what we need to wrap any return value in to make it work with Python.

"What about error handling?" I hear you ask. Well, you can use the PyValueError struct that represents Python's ValueError exception. To be quite honest with you, I don't really use Python so I am not too aware of what people use for their errors and what common practices are there. I've seen ValueErrorss a few times and I just chose to use that in my scenario, if something else makes more sense for your given use case, you should probably go with that instead.

Finally, we need to register both our function and struct to a Python module which is just as simple

pub fn ascii_grid_parser(_py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
  m.add_class::<Header>()?; // Header is a struct inside of AsciiGrid
  m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(parse_ascii_grid, m)?)?;


And that's all you need from Rust's side!

It is worth noting that if you add normal Rust comments to a pymodule, pyclass or pyfunction, they will be visible from the resulting Python package!

You can also add a pyproject.toml file for some more configuration options, here's a sample of what that might look like (see here):

requires = ["maturin>=0.14,<0.15"]
build-backend = "maturin"

name = "ascii-grid-parser-rs"
requires-python = ">=3.7"
classifiers = [
    "Programming Language :: Rust",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy",

Some Thoughts on the Code I Literally Just Showed You

The code I showed above is not exactly what I ended up with and for anything bigger than a 100-line afternoon hack-it-together project, I'd recommend the following.

  1. Decouple the PyO3 stuff from your business logic. In the snippet above I changed the parse function (which is pure business logic) and polluted it with PyO3 types and macros. It would instead be more convenient to separate the two in your code. What I actually ended up with is this:

    pub fn parse_ascii_grid(input: &str) -> PyResult<AsciiGrid> {
      let (_, res) = parse(input)
        .map_err(|_e| PyValueError::new_err("oops"))?;
    fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, AsciiGrid> {
      // Parse `input`

    As you can see, I kept parse the same as the original implementation I showed first and created a separate parse_ascii_grid that calls it which will be the only one exposed to Python.

    My reasoning for this is that it is simply easier to have pure, plain old Rust in as many places as you can to make your code easier to use and play around with in the Rust project itself. The only part of your code where you should care about Python compatibility is the very top.

  2. Similarly to this and perhaps even more importantly, you probably should do the same with your structs. I say probably because I didn't care enough to make that change for my small project that I worked on for the fun of it and no one, including me, will ever touch it again. If you do care however then you should definitely think twice about this. You need to keep in mind that applying all those macros in the same struct that you use internally might have performance implications. I do not know exactly what these macros do or if this is even a problem that can happen but in any case, you should research into it before adding it to your codebase. If you are reading this and know that this is/is not the case indeed then let me know in the comments :)

As always, please do read the docs.

The Python Part

Let's go over how we can build the code we just worked on and call it from Python.

The PyO3 docs recommend that you use a virtual environment (to be honest, you should always do this), see more here.

After creating a virtual environment and activating it, we install maturin which is a tool (from the same org) that allows us to easily build (and later publish) our crate as a Python package.

pip install maturin --user

For local development, you can run maturin develop which will build the package and add it to your virtual environment. You can then open a Python shell (or run a file) and use the code!

$ python
>>> import ascii_grid_parser
>>> ascii_grid_parser.parse_ascii_grid(...)

Building a wheel for your native platform is straightforward (as you probably noticed from the develop command above), you can run the following:

maturin build -r --interpreter .env/Scripts/python.exe

You will likely need to specify the interpreter as I did above which can just be the executable in your virtual environment's folder. In my case, I am using Windows, hence the .exe.

If you want to compile for multiple architectures, however, things get more complicated and I once again must recommend you read the docs.

Even though Rust effortlessly compiles to any architecture you can think of, your Python interpreter is built specifically for the platform that you are using which is a problem. In theory, you should be able to get this to work but I did not try as I could already see how many hours I would waste on this. Instead, seeing as how I am quite familiar with GitHub Actions by now, I opted to do all the building there instead.

Deploying Through GitHub Actions

Note: I later simplified the workflow and made it spawn way less jobs and its overall much less messy thanks to some feedback I got on twitter. I'll leave the old version as well and I'll mention the cleanup in the next section.

I like using on_workflow triggers for any sort of release I do using GitHub actions. Some people like pushing tags or commits with special messages but I always found that a bit messy.

This is what we start with

name: CD


Since I was just experimenting, I decided to "support" a bunch of platforms such as

  • macos (x86_64)
  • Windows (x64, x86)
  • linux (x86_64, x64, aarch64, armv7)

In my opinion, you should start with the absolute minimum of targets that you know you must support and add more later if needed. The workflow dispatch trigger allows you to run a workflow on any branch or tag which means that if you ever need to run it on an older version of the code to add extra target compatibility, you can.

This is what my Windows job looks like

    runs-on: Windows-2022
        python-version: [ '3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11' ]
        target: [ x64, x86 ]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
          architecture: ${{ }}

      - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly

      - name: Build wheels
        uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
          target: ${{ }}
          args: --release --out dist --interpreter ${{ matrix.python-version }}

      - name: Upload wheels
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: dist
          path: dist

I compile a wheel for both x64 and x86 for versions 3.7 to 3.11. I am using an existing action to do the building instead of managing that myself since it exists but you could just as easily replace that (although you'd have to manually set up maturin and what not).

In the end, I upload the generated wheels as artifacts which I use later.

The Linux job is mostly the same

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        python-version: [ '3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11' ]
        target: [ x86_64, x64, aarch64, armv7 ]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
        architecture: x64

    - name: Build wheels
      uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
        target: ${{ }}
        manylinux: auto
        args: --release --out dist --interpreter ${{ matrix.python-version }}

    - name: Upload wheels
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: dist
        path: dist

The manylinux parameter is interesting as that allows your resulting binary to be valid in most Linux distributions, saving you from the whole lot of pain you'd have to go through if you needed to create 1 job per distribution.

You might have noticed that I hardcoded architecture to x64 unlike before. It seems that Python only understands x64 and x86 as you can see here as architecture values. I do admit that I am not sure if this then properly works in x86 environments and I can't really test it myself. This is definitely something to watch out for if you are doing this yourself. The workflow passes with no errors or warnings but then again, this is Python we are talking about, not Rust, this does not guarantee that anything will work properly. Fixing this would be easy as you could add a check to see if your current ${{ }} is x64 and if not, set the arch to x86.

Macs were... interesting.

Turns out GitHub is a bit limiting when it comes to Mac runners as you can only run 5 at a time. For some reason, I could only run 4 but that is besides the point. Every matrix entry spawns a separate runner which is an issue here. I instead removed the matrix and put everything on one runner.

    runs-on: macos-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: '3.7 - 3.11'
          architecture: x64

      - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly

      - name: Build wheels - 3.7
        uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
          target: x86_64
          args: --release --out dist --interpreter 3.7

      #  ...

      - name: Build wheels - 3.11
        uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
          target: x86_64
          args: --release --out dist --interpreter 3.11

      - name: Upload wheels
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: dist
          path: dist

This is ugly but oh well. There is also a limit for 20 runners total (40 for pro) so you might want to keep this idea around if you are compiling to a lot of targets.

Now to actually upload the artifacts:

    name: Release
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - macos
      - windows
      - linux

      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
          name: dist
          path: dist

      - name: Publish to PyPI
        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
          user: AntoniosBarotsis
          password: ${{ secrets.PYPI }}

Not sure if the user is required but there it is. Even though this looks very messy, it only takes about 5 minutes for everything to finish running in my case. Of course, this very much depends on how complicated your crate is. You need to define a PYPI repository secret and set its value to an API token from PyPi for this to work of course.

Again, I feel like there are a lot of improvements you could make in this but it all greatly depends on your specific use case. You might want to for instance not spawn as many runners, you might want to spawn a set amount of Mac runners to distribute the work (say one builds 3.7-3.9 while another builds the rest) etc etc. That said, I do think that this is a more than decent starting point though.

The version of the Python package will be automatically set to the version you mention in your Cargo.toml, atlhough weird version names (i.e. not just X.Y.Z) might change a bit. In my case, my Cargo.toml version was set to 0.0.1-alpha.4 but PyPi's was 0.0.1a4.

Cleaning Up the Workflow

Thanks to @messense for his reply :)

Turns out we can indeed specify multiple interpreters instead of spawning one task per version. This, in my case, makes the workflow a bit slower which is to be expected since less work is parallelized. It still only took about 2 minutes extra however and for most people, spawning that many jobs is much bigger of a bottleneck than waiting an additional few minutes.

We can make the following changes (both windows and Linux are essentially the same again):

    runs-on: windows-2022
        target: [ x64, x86 ]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: '3.7 - 3.11'                                   # <---
          architecture: ${{ }}

      - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly

      - name: Build wheels
        uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
          target: ${{ }}
          args: --release --out dist --interpreter 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 # <---

      - name: Upload wheels
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: dist
          path: dist

and for Mac we can remove the matrix all together and shorten it significantly:

    runs-on: macos-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: '3.7 - 3.11'                                    # <---
          architecture: x64

      - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly

      - name: Build wheels - x86_64
        uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
          target: x86_64
          args: --release --out dist --interpreter 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11  # <---

      - name: Upload wheels
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: dist
          path: dist

What Did We Learn?

Let's revisit the questions we asked at the beginning of all of this.

  • How is the developer experience of writing the Rust package as well as calling it and how *different* is it from the way you write code in the respective language

    This was spot on. From Python's point of view, this is just another ordinary package while from Rust's perspective, not much change or new stuff is required, especially if you limit the scope of the PyO3 stuff as I mentioned earlier.

  • How easy is developing such a project from the perspective of a developer (testability, running tests, REPLs etc)

    Once again, spot on since it is very closely related to the first point. The Rust devs will need to have a Python interpreter available whilst the Python devs can just import the wheels which is great!

  • How easy is it for someone who does not know Rust to use your package

    Again, very much related to the 2 points above, no one will even know your package is written in Rust (unless of course the words "written in Rust" have somehow not made it to your repository's README and description ;) )

  • What could a deployment pipeline look like

    While I definitely don't really like how repetitive it turned out, the problem is ultimately Python itself and not the tools we used in this project. It is good enough and definitely not too slow, that's what you want for the most part.

Overall, slightly surprised by how easy this was 😅.


I would say that this is definitely a realistic path to consider if you either want to optimize a specific part of your codebase or to, as I did here, leverage Rust's ecosystem in your Python project.

There's a good chance that you will get a "free" performance boost by writing parts of your code in Rust, assuming of course your code is sound. In my case, I parsed through my data 5.3 times faster (42s vs 8.8s) with the Rust implementation compared to a reference Python parser I stole from a blog post.

In fact, I managed to get it down to only 4.1s (11.7 times faster!) by applying the following to my Cargo.toml:

lto = true
codegen-units = 1

Of course, both definitely have massive room for optimization so this isn't necessarily a fair comparison. In my case, I parsed over 2858 files that total at around 160mb so there is a lot of IO happening which you usually should avoid but what do I know, I didn't benchmark anything :)

(please benchmark your code before and after you "optimize" it)

Of course, if you are doing this for fun like me, go ahead!

Till next time!