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Make sure you have Cargo installed!

cargo install qrg

Alternatively, you can download pre-built binaries from GitHub Releases.


You can get the list of available commands as follows:

$ qrg -h
Generates QRCodes with a logo overlay.

Usage: qrg.exe [OPTIONS] <CONTENT>

  <CONTENT>  The text the qr code should contain

  -d, --destination <DESTINATION>
          The filename the QR Code should be saved in [default: out.png]
  -s, --size <SIZE>
          The size of the QR Code [default: 600]
  -l, --logo <LOGO>
          The name of the logo to use in the overlay. Currently, only the Google logo can be used [default: google]
      --logo-source <LOGO_SOURCE>
          Path to the logo (must be a valid PNG/JPEG) [aliases: path]
      --logo-web-source <LOGO_WEB_SOURCE>
          URL to the logo (must be a valid PNG/JPEG) [aliases: web]
  -c, --bg-color <BG_COLOR>
          The background color of the QR Code (in hex) [default: FFFFFF]
      --logo-bg-color <LOGO_BG_COLOR>
          The background color of the logo (in hex) [default: FFFFFF] [aliases: lc]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

I will try to keep this updated but you should run it for yourself just in case some command detail has changed.

Example Usage

Create a QR Code pointing to and dump the image to a file called tmp.png.

qrg -d tmp.png

Create a QR Code with the text Hello, World! using Github's logo and a dark background

qrg "Hello, World!" -c 36393e --web